Be the Best Class Assistant Webinar
Be the Best Class Assistant Webinar

Be the Best Class Assistant Webinar

Be the Best Class Assistant Webinar

Regular price $35.00
  • Dog Trainer Program
  • Instructor: Dianna L. Santos
  • Length: 90 minutes
  • Continual access

Many in-person group dog training classes have a main instructor and at least one class assistant. These class assistants can quite literally make or break a class. In this webinar, we discuss what you can do to ensure you are the best class assistant you can be.


There are many misconceptions surrounding class assistants. Who they are. What they do. What their contribution to the class really is. Now, every class will be run differently and instructors may vary in what they are expecting from their class assistants, but as a general rule a good class assistant will allow an instructor to elevate the overall quality of the class.

In this webinar, we will discuss what class assistants can do to ensure they are more of a help than a hindrance to the instructor while still furthering their own knowledge and education.


This webinar is approved for 1.5 CPDT CEUs and 1.5 KPA CEUs.


Are you helping in group classes now? See if you're hitting on all 10 of the points to be the best class assistant you can be.

Are you an instructor with assistants? Have a resource for your class assistants can easily access to ensure they helping you as much as possible.

Are you running a training facility? Perhaps you have people who are interested in working toward becoming instructors. Have a better way to explain what they could be expected to do to become a welcomed part of your team.

Are you interested in becoming a professional dog trainer? Interning at a facility where you can assist several established instructors is one of the best ways you can develop your own training chops. Learn how you can get the most out this learning experience with this webinar.

Dianna L. Santos

Dianna L. Santos grants Pet Dog U license to feature her courses, seminars and webinars on our online dog training platform.

All of the content in this online webinar is created by, owned by, and the rights to the content, are reserved to Dianna L. Santos.

Webinar Replay

- Continual access to the replay.
- Access to all associated resources.
- May email speaker with questions.

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