Make It the Dog's Idea Webinar
Make It the Dog's Idea Webinar
Make It the Dog's Idea Webinar

Make It the Dog's Idea Webinar

Make It the Dog's Idea Webinar

Regular price $40.00
Live Webinar: September 29th at 4:30PM PT/7:30PM ET
  • Real-Life Skills
  • Instructor: Dianna L. Santos
  • Length: 90 minutes
  • Continual access

When we are training our dogs, we must remember we are working with an intelligent, opinionated and sentient being. The best way to get results is to frame our training exercise and approaches as if they were our dog's idea in the first place!

In this webinar, we will discuss how you can do just that whether you are working on real-life skills to apply in everyday life or focusing on something more specific or niche, such as prepping for a particular dog sport.


This webinar has been approved for 1.5 CPDT CEUs and 1.5 KPA CEUs.


Join us on September 29th at 4:30PM PT/7:30PM ET for the live webinar and ask Dianna questions in real-time and receive free, continual access to the fully edited webinar replay. 


Cannot make the live webinar? No worries! Order the webinar replay and go through the material at your own pace - there are no deadlines or cut-off dates to worry about. We fully edit all our live webinars, so the replay will be posted to the Pet Dog U site by the end of the day on September 30th.


Do you find yourself butting heads with your dog? Learn some tips and tricks to shift the situation so you are working WITH your dog instead of against them.

Are you a professional dog trainer? Gain some tips and insights you may want to use in your own program or pass along to your clients who may be struggling,

Dianna L. Santos

Pet Dog U is fortunate to have Dianna grant us license to feature her courses, seminars and webinars on our online dog training platform.

All of the content in this offering is created by, owned by, and the rights to the content, are reserved to Dianna L. Santos.

Live Webinar

- Ask speaker questions in real-time.
- Free and continual access to replay.
- May email speaker with questions.

Webinar Replay

- Continual access to the replay.
- Access to all associated resources.
- May email speaker with questions.

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