Can I Have That? Counteracting Stealing Webinar
Can I Have That? Counteracting Stealing Webinar
Can I Have That? Counteracting Stealing Webinar

Can I Have That? Counteracting Stealing Webinar

Can I Have That? Counteracting Stealing Webinar

Regular price $40.00
Live Webinar: August 31st at 4:30PM PT/7:30PM ET
  • Real-Life Skills Program, Best New Pups Program, and Perfect Puppies Program
  • Instructor: Dianna L. Santos
  • Length: 90 minutes
  • Continual access

Everything is quiet, too quiet, and suddenly you realize your dog has stolen something valuable of yours they absolutely should not have! You leap into action, chasing after them, using your best ninja moves to try to outmaneuvered them, but to no avail. They do have two more legs than you after all.

The item they stole is ruined. You are tired, sored, stressed and frustrated! There has to be a better way!

Lucky for you, there is! We can teach our dogs to BRING us their "treasures" instead of dashing off with them to hide, bury, chew on or even ingest. Learn why dogs steal in the first place, best preventative measures and how to train them to bring you their treasure in this webinar.


This webinar has been approved for 1.5 CPDT CEUS and 1.5 KPA CEUs.


Join us on August 31st at 4:30PM PT/7:30PM ET for the live webinar where you may ask Dianna questions in real-time and receive free, continual access to the webinar replay.


Cannot make the live webinar? No worries! Order the webinar replay and go through the material at your own pace. There are no deadlines or cut-off dates to worry about. We fully edit all our live webinars, so the replay will be posted to the Pet Dog U site by the end of the day on September 1st.


Does your dog have a tendency to steal things? Learn why they may be doing this and to train them to bring you their treasure instead of running off with it.

Dianna L. Santos

Dianna L. Santos grants Pet Dog U license to feature her courses, seminars and webinars on our online dog training platform.

All of the content in this online webinar is created by, owned by, and the rights to the content, are reserved to Dianna L. Santos.

Live Webinar

- Ask speaker questions in real-time.
- Free and continual access to replay.
- May email speaker with questions.

Webinar Replay

- Continual access to the replay.
- Access to all associated resources.
- May email speaker with questions.

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