Rapid Recall Course
Rapid Recall Course

Rapid Recall Course

Rapid Recall Course

Regular price $95.00
  • Real-Life Skills Program
  • Instructor: Dianna L. Santos
  • Length: 6 weeks
  • Pre-recorded content
  • Continual access

Your dog coming to you when you call can quite literally save their life! We will walk through how to train your dog not one, not two but three different types of recalls in this 6-week online course.


Our dogs are thinking and curious creatures. This means they may very well be investigating something when you are about to call them to you. The question is: will your dog make the choice to leave whatever that thing may be to come to you instead? Oftentimes, the answer is, no.

In this course we will walk you through how to teach different recalls, each having it's own application and use: Name Game, Everyday Recall and Emergency Recall.

Using fun and engaging training games, we will build in muscle memory for your dog to come to you. Coming when called will be a much better choice than not! Using only positive reinforcement and reward-based training, your dog will love to come to you. Additionally, we will walk through how you can up the ante by having your dog run by significant distractions and much more. 


    • Learn About Clicker Training Webinar
    • Mighty Management for Dog Owners Webinar
    • Learn How to Speak Dog Vol. 1 Webinar


    Name Game: Foundation to Recall
    Everyday Recall: It's Fun to Come When Called!
    Emergency Recall: Life Saver
    Introducing Distractions
    Taking Recalls on the Road


    Are you struggling with your dog not coming to you when you call? Having a solid recall can quite literally save your dog's life! So unless you are close to 100% certain your dog will come running to you when it matters most, you NEED to take this course!

    Does your dog like to play keep-away from you? Learn techniques to counteract this common canine game to ensure your dog will run to you, instead of the opposite direction.

    Are you a professional dog training instructor? Your clients NEED to have a solid and reliable recall on their dogs, if they don't disaster can strike at any moment. Learn techniques to teaching a solid recall that you can then implement into your own curriculum.

    Dianna L. Santos

    Dianna L. Santos grants Pet Dog U license to feature her courses, seminars and webinars on our online dog training platform.

    All of the content in this online course is created by, owned by, and the rights to the content, are reserved to Dianna L. Santos.

    Watcher Enrollment

    Basic access option which grants the greatest level of flexibility. Go through the material at your own pace and add video reviews when needed.

    Includes:- Self-taught option.
    - Full access to all course materials.
    - May add video reviews for a fee.
    - May add email support for a fee.

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