Three Essential Skills Every Dog Must Master Webinar
Three Essential Skills Every Dog Must Master Webinar

Three Essential Skills Every Dog Must Master Webinar

Three Essential Skills Every Dog Must Master Webinar

Regular price $35.00
  • Real-Life Skills Program, Best New Pups Program, and Perfect Puppies Program
  • Instructor: Dianna L. Santos
  • Length: 90 minutes
  • Continual access

Our dogs are living in a strange world with weird rules and customs they must be trained to understand and follow. To be successful in a human world, there are three skills our dogs must master: Name Game, Place and Wait. Each have a multitude of applications and once your dog has mastered them, you will find that you are using them all the time! We will discuss the importance of these skills, how to train them and when to use them in this webinar.


We have applied for CEUs from CPDT and KPA - stay tuned!


Do you have a new puppy or dog? Learn how to teach them these three essential skills which you will use day-in and day-out.

Do you struggle having your dog come when they are called? Are they all over your guests when they first come in? Do they try to bolt out doors or the car? The three skills covered in this webinar will help!

Dianna L. Santos

Dianna L. Santos grants Pet Dog U license to feature her courses, seminars and webinars on our online dog training platform.

All of the content in this online webinar is created by, owned by, and the rights to the content, are reserved to Dianna L. Santos.

Webinar Replay

- Continual access to the replay.
- Access to all associated resources.
- May email speaker with questions.

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